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  • The only person for whom he can go to any lengths is his sister, Ananya. For the outside world, Aranya is a dispassionate, cold-hearted, mercenary, hard-as-nails person, cleverly concealing his vulnerability.

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    The bitter incidents of his tragic past left a lasting impression on his psyche causing him to emotionally withdraw himself into a shell. He never fully recovered from his wounded childhood when he and his sister were unceremoniously thrown out of their ancestral home in Maldah after their mother committed suicide. Pakhi shares a special bonding with her cousin sister Piu.Īranya on the other hand is a young business tycoon who runs a chain of hotels. She is an orphan who grew up with her Mashi and Mesho in Maldah. She has a unique approach to life and believes in the institution of marriage and relationships. Pakhi is a lively, self-dependent, talkative and strong willed girl, traditionally rooted but progressive in her thinking. Bojhena Se Bojhena is the story of Pakhi and Aranya.

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